Hygiene consultation food sector
Hygiene consultation and control in the food sector

Hygiene is the top priority when dealing with food. Only personnel trained in food hygiene may be employed. Every company producing, processing or placing food on the market is obliged to carry out regular in-house hygiene checks. Carelessness has a negative effect on the freshness and quality of food and can also cause pathogens (E.coli, listeria).
Demanding company hygiene includes not only food hygiene, but also the correct cleaning of production facilities and personal hygiene. Optimum food safety and quality can only be achieved by considering and complying hygiene regulations. Our trained hygiene specialists will gladly advise you on site.
Our range of services includes:
- On-site basic analysis to determine the hygienic situation
- Vulnerability analysis
- Cleaning training for employees
- Cleaning check (internal/external)
- Hygiene control of fresh food counters, cutting boards, cold stores, etc.
- Microbiological examination of sensitive areas (total number of germs, enterobacteria, listeria, mould)
- Compilation of a report with extensive measurement protocol
From the collected data collected, you will receive a clear report with concrete suggestions for improvement and recommendations for a sustainable company hygiene.